“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden” Gen 3:8
Why do we hide from the very presence we need and long for?
When I am agitated, and restless, I try to sit still and just focus on my breathing and then listen to the voice ofGod within. The question that often arrises is the same one originating in the garden, “Why are you hiding?”
I think we hide from the true presence when we fear that reality is too painful to embrace. We thing going around and not through will save us. We hide in work, in various activities and entertainments when we cannot bear to be fully present to ourselves. Being truly present to ones self is essentially the same as being present to God.
As Adam hid among the trees, I picture myself hiding in the noise and news of each day, in the Netflix-fix, in the compulsive need to work, when it could easily wait. Why am I avoiding the very thing I need to encounter.
In the words of Henry Nouwen, “We need to drink the cup of our own lives”. There is no other way to experience God’s grace, there is no other visitation but the one your are presently hiding from in present moment of life.