The Shore of Serenity

A tide of gratitude envelopes me, every cell immersed in its presence.

A wave of acceptance washes over all that has become of me, and all that will be.

It feels like a glad dissolving, a disappearing into the Christ mystery.

As waves of fear recede, the self-less sand is carved up into new channels of grace.

And my loved ones, who keep my heart open and vulnerable, I release them into this wild sea of hope, as I stand on the shore of serenity.

The Gates of Thanksgiving

Giving thanks unlocks the gate we have closed to God’s presence. It is like a secret password that is so simple and obvious we overlooked it.

The principle is that gratitude opens into presence. So as we lift our hearts in gratitude we become more aware of God’s presence and we enter his realm.

Gratitute is like putting on glasses to see through the material and the circumstantial into the eternal. To see past the gift into the presense of the giver.

And then all things become like glass, transparent and open, and we recognize that we are home.

A Sky-wondering Wind-hurling Day

Today is one of those days where the sky takes your breath away.

An armada of vapor giants are puffing out their white chests as they pass overhead.

They move swiftly, accepting their place in the unfathomable blue depths.

Everything within and without seems sharper and crisper, and able to respond.

The grasses bend and bring new colors, and the tree leaves flip over and flash silver.

There is a spark in the air that calls out the same within, and so I greet with gladness this Holy Wind

The Park Bench

When a sacred space opens amidst the chaos and stress of life it is often unexpected and triggered by something as simple as a deep breath, a fresh scent, or a babies smile.

It has the power to launch a wave of gratitude that moves into our inner city like a liberating force clearing the streets of protestors and imposters.

It declares a temporary cease fire in the bombardment of doing and achieving, and invites us to sit on the park bench of acceptance in the shade of our being.