I start my day with five blueberries, picking them out of the carton one by one and consuming them slowly. Just a little sacred ritual to help me focus and not jump too quickly in the ego-race and rush.
Five is symbolic of man: gifted, glorious, frail, and flawed. Five is also my place on the enneagram. We fives easily get trapped in the mind, in abstractions, obsessed with knowing and understanding, which becomes our idol or false path to security. But there is ultimately no security, no place to go, except to fall into the presence of a loving God and accept the gifts provided.
These beautiful berries drank their little fill of sun, water and earth and they speak to me on a deep cellular level. In their smallness and singularity they teach me about focus, presence, and embodiment. They tell me to slow down and become aware the sacred temple that I am, and to give myself completely to the present moment.