Begin with crisp-water bite of sun-green cells. Swallowing the light captured in time and space
Then raise up a libation, and let the golden fields of grain flow into me. The Sun-grown grain distilled down and absorbed into my cells.
It takes teeth to tear at the flesh of things, to get to the root, the elements. To taste the life, the essence, and to know the life enfleshed, infused and passing through.
This feast is endless and fills all my senses. Each element of matter vibrating with its own voice. As I listen I am fed, as I am aware I am satisfied.
Take wood for example, with its gorgeous grains, growing, standing, sheltering, shaping, bending, breaking, dying, drying, burning,warming, falling into earth and rising again. Formed and transformed from light above.
Pine needles, blue sky, textured bark of tree. Water on rocks. Single strand of grass.
Let us finish the feast with fruit. Sweet womb of hope surrounding the seed that must die. Swallow the Juice, and the joy, foretaste of the resurrection.
Still your mind and inhale the wonder. Come to the table of awareness and feast on His presence.